Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How could you not love this face!

Here's Maverick just hangin out on his doggy bed... he's just the cutest thing in the world....
Today, however, he's being a pest! I'd love to be sleeping right now but he'd love to be playing!
We've gone on 2 walks, and i've just given him a marrow bone, which will occupy him for a few hours. Haha so instead of typing this blog, I should be trying to lay down for a few....

Maverick started 2 weeks ago going to Camp Bow Wow -- its going well - they love him there and the main thing is their outdoor area has ROCKS instead of WOOD CHIPS... every time he came home from Happy Tails, his other day care, he'd poo pure wood chips the next day which I'm sure was not good for him... Thankfully, Maverick does not eat rocks. (usually)

I'm at such a loss on how to teach him not to eat sticks.... Every time we go outside its one big stick eating fest... its so annoying! "Leave it" and "Drop it" only work sometimes. I'd tried clicking and treating everytime he'd drop something but then i think he thought it was a game of pick up everything!!!

He had his first snow storm the other day. He loves snow! I was worried because he hates rain, but he loves to run in the snow and lick it! Sooo cute... I've got to get myself a better pair of waterproof boots if he thinks I'm going to be frolicking in the snow with him all winter long...

Other news, I bought us a house! The closing is in 3 days... I'm very excited... There's so much more room for Maverick to run, and a big yard for him to play in! I know he'll be so much happier there, but I'm hoping the transition is okay for him... its stressful enough for me... now I have to worry about him too!!!!!! He better not mark up my new house with pee!!!!
He's never peed in my house here; so hopefully he knows better.

Well thats it for now. Nap time!

Until next time :)